IHTHS Corporation is a dynamic, rapidly growing company based in Brunei, dedicated to promoting sustainable business practices through a strong focus on Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) principles. We are committed to addressing the global demand for Islamic products and services by offering specialized facilitation within the Halal Business Ecosystem. Through our International Halal Trade Hub and Services (IHTHS), we emphasize shariah-compliant value chains, supply streams, and trade solutions. As a leading force in developing shariah-compliant startups and manufacturing operations, we actively contribute to the progress of the East ASEAN Growth Area (EAGA) region, working toward the establishment of a thriving halal economy. Our goal includes the advancement of Special Halal Economic Zones across various ASEAN locations through aligned programs, initiatives, and strategic planning. Our consortium comprises key partners from Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia, and the Philippines, encompassing businesses, traders, logistics services, and business associations. At IHTHS Corporation, we prioritize sustainable growth and strive to make a positive impact on both the environment and society.


To promote sustainable socioeconomic development by harnessing economic opportunities, generating employment, and encouraging self-employment. By building strong soft and hard infrastructures, we aim to uplift both Muslim and non-Muslim communities within the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) and advance the growth of a vibrant halal economy.


To advance the halal economy by leveraging Brunei’s unique position as the only ASEAN and BIMP-EAGA nation governed by Syariah Law. Through strategic partnerships and the development of Special Halal Economic Zones (SHEZ), we aim to create key products for the global value chain. We align with the standards and policies of the BIMP-EAGA Vision 2025 and MABIMS, which provides Islamic guidance on social, economic, and welfare matters for Islamic countries and Muslim minorities in the ASEAN region.

The Muslim population is projected to grow to nearly 3 billion by 2060, comprising a quarter of the world's population, according to the PEW Research Center. This growth is driving increased demand for halal products, particularly in the Asia-Pacific region, which has a substantial Muslim population of nearly 1 billion. However, many businesses struggle with understanding Shariah compliance. The global halal economy was valued at USD 6.4 trillion in 2018/19 and is expected to reach USD 9.71 trillion by 2025, with the Asia-Pacific halal economy alone projected to hit USD 4 trillion by 2025. Brunei, located within BIMP EAGA, is well-positioned to capitalize on this growth due to its implementation of Shariah Law and its strategic location in the Asia-Pacific, making it an ideal gateway for the development of the halal economy in the region.


There is a growing demand for Halal-certified pharmaceuticals, personal care products, and cosmetics, as Muslim consumers prefer products free from ingredients prohibited in Islam and that meet ethical standards. Businesses have opportunities to manufacture, market, and distribute Halal-certified products in these sectors.
Halal logistics ensures the integrity and compliance of Halal products throughout the supply chain. It covers transportation, storage, warehousing, and distribution, along with proper tracking and certification processes to maintain adherence to Halal standards.
The modest fashion market, including Islamic textiles, clothing, and accessories, has seen substantial growth in recent years. Both Muslim and non-Muslim consumers are seeking fashionable, modest attire that aligns with Islamic principles. There are opportunities in designing, manufacturing, retailing, and e-commerce for Islamic fashion.
As demand for Halal products and services grows, there is an increasing need for Halal certification bodies, consultants, and auditors. These professionals play a crucial role in ensuring that businesses comply with Halal standards and assist them in the certification process.

"With the private sector taking the lead in regional development, there is a primary focus on branding the BIMP EAGA region as an International Halal Trade and supply chain hub, emphasizing on Sharia Compliance Value Stream and Trade services. Concurrently, efforts are directed towards promoting the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) as a robust platform for industry growth and a production base for the global Islamic market. Through strategic initiatives, the private sector is driving economic progress, fostering a conducive environment for Halal trade, and positioning the BIMP EAGA region as a prominent player in the global Islamic economy." - BDBEBC 2019



The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) is a regional intergovernmental organization comprising ten Southeast Asian countries. Its primary goal is to enhance economic integration, political cooperation, and social development among its members. ASEAN promotes peace, stability, and prosperity in the region by encouraging collaboration in areas such as trade, investment, security, and cultural exchange through dialogue and consensus-building.


BIMP EAGA (Brunei-Indonesia-Malaysia-Philippines East ASEAN Growth Area) is a sub-regional economic cooperation initiative in Southeast Asia aimed at boosting economic integration and development among its four member countries. It promotes collaboration in trade, investment, tourism, and other sectors, leveraging each member's strengths and resources to drive inclusive growth, reduce development disparities, and improve regional connectivity.


MABIMS, the Meeting of Religious Ministers from Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Singapore, is an informal annual gathering of ASEAN's Islamic religious leaders. It serves as a platform to discuss issues related to the welfare and interests of Muslims in the region. MABIMS focuses on protecting Muslim rights and promoting well-being while respecting the political sovereignty of its member countries. The meeting fosters cooperation on Islamic matters without involving political affairs.


The Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) is a multilateral trade agreement that fosters economic integration among its 11-member countries across the Asia-Pacific and Americas. It sets rules for trade and investment, covering areas like tariff reductions, intellectual property protection, and regulatory alignment. The CPTPP aims to improve market access, streamline cross-border trade, and promote economic cooperation among its members.


Brunei Bay, also known as Brunei Bay Waters, is a body of water located on the northern coast of Brunei. It is a bay that extends from the mouth of the Brunei River to the entrance near Tanjong Pelumpong. The bay is bordered by Brunei on the west and West Malaysia on the north, east and south, encompassing parts of both countries. It is an important geographical feature for Brunei as it provides a natural harbor for the Port of Muara, which is the country's main port and a significant hub for maritime activities and international trade. The bay is also home to diverse marine ecosystems and plays a role in supporting local fisheries and recreational activities.

A special Halal economic zone as such is a group of Halal parks or Halal industrial zones and supply chain hubs, an ecosystem with a designated area where businesses and industries related to Halal products and services are concentrated. These zones are established to promote and facilitate the development, production, trade, and export of Halal goods and services.

Infrastructure & Facilities

Halal economic zones offer specialized infrastructure such as production facilities, storage, logistics, R&D centers, and testing labs to support businesses in the Halal industry.

Regulatory Support

These zones have regulations, certification processes, and quality control systems to ensure Halal compliance, creating a supportive environment for businesses. entrepreneurship and business growth.

Business Support Services

They provide services like company registration, licensing, investment incentives, financing, and market intelligence to promote entrepreneurship and business growth.

Market Access

Located in Halal zones, businesses gain better access to domestic and international markets through trade events and networking opportunities.

Collaboration & Networking

These zones encourage collaboration among Halal-focused companies, fostering partnerships, innovation, and competitiveness.

Job Creation & Economic Growth

They drive job creation and regional economic development by attracting investment and supporting business expansion.

Branding & Reputation

Being part of a Halal economic zone enhances a business's reputation, signaling commitment to Halal standards, quality, and ethics, increasing consumer trust.


Brunei Bay has significant potential to become a Special Halal Economic Zone, offering an exceptional investment opportunity due to its strategic location, large Muslim population, and favorable geopolitical conditions. Positioned within Southeast Asia, Brunei Bay enjoys excellent connectivity to international markets and key trade routes, making it an ideal hub for halal products and services. The sizable Muslim population creates strong demand for halal goods across various sectors, enhancing the market potential. Additionally, Brunei’s political stability, governance, and Syariah law adherence, combined with its commitment to Islamic values, make it an appealing destination for halal-related investments. Establishing Brunei Bay as a Special Halal Economic Zone would create a dynamic ecosystem with access to diverse halal industries, a supportive regulatory framework, and opportunities for growth and collaboration in the global halal market.

USD 9 trillion

According to Reuters and VC News Network in 2019, the global halal market is projected to expand substantially, reaching a value of USD 9.71 trillion USD.


IHTHS Corporation is positioning itself as a key player in developing the Special Halal Economic Zone in Brunei Bay, aiming to establish the area as a central hub for halal product manufacturing, production, and transshipment within the BIMP-EAGA region. This initiative involves collaboration with diverse stakeholders and seeks endorsement from BIMP-EAGA governance through leaders' meetings and multilateral agreements. Guided by the BIMP-EAGA Vision 2025 (BEV 2025), which emphasizes halal industry development, IHTHS Corporation plans to forge strategic partnerships with business associations, companies, consortiums, and NGOs to coordinate the region's Halal Economy growth. With established relationships across the East ASEAN Growth Area, IHTHS is well-prepared to advance the development of Brunei Bay, contributing to economic growth, regional integration, and the advancement of the halal industry.


Integrating Environment, Social, and Governance (ESG) principles into the development of the Special Halal Economic Zone is essential for its long-term sustainability and success. By focusing on environmental conservation through sustainable practices, promoting social inclusivity and community engagement, and ensuring good governance with transparency and ethical standards, the zone can enhance its reputation and attract responsible investors. ESG reporting and performance measurement will ensure continuous progress, while collaboration between government, private sectors, and civil organizations will foster a positive impact on local communities and the economy, making it a model for responsible development in the halal industry.